dagger's take on things
Or as they say, dot dot dot
It's vaguely disturbing how I can see her new toy on her blog, turn around and see it sitting next to me on the floor for the very first time.
Thoughts in the middle of the night
ALL Forget regret or life is yours to miss GORDON Excuse me Paul -- I'm having a problem with thisThis credo -- My T-cells are low --I regret that news, okay?PAUL AlrightBut Gordon - How do you feel today?GORDON What do you mean?PAUL How do you feel today?GORDON OkayPAUL Is that all?GORDON Best I've felt all yearPAUL Then why choose fear?GORDON I'm a New Yorker!Fear's my life!Look - I find some of what you teach suspect
Because I'm used to relying on intellect
But I try to open up to what I don't know
GORDON & ROGERBecause reason says I should have diedThree years agoALL No other roadNo other wayNo day but today- Rent, Jonathan Larson
The boldened words summarised what I feel about religion almost precisely.
On a side not, the tenth annivesary world tour of Rent would be stopping over in Singapore in November 22nd till December 4th. Interestingly enough, it is the same time that the movie version is slated to be release. Talk about overdose.
The role of Mimi will be played by Karen Mok herself. Can't say whether if it's going to be a good choice or not thought it will almost certainly be interesting to see how a Chinese pulls off a Latino chicka on stage. Roger will definitely have to be darn tall as well......
The psalm that you refer to. It speaks of shelter, of seeking refuge. Are you looking for a haven? After the beatings and tribulations of the last week? A place to rest, where you can be yourself, confide in someone, perhaps even a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear to listen to your pains.
Can I ever be your haven?
It's raining in love
I don't know what it is,
but I distrust myself
when I start to like a girl
a lot.
It makes me nervous.
I don't say the right things
or perhaps I start
to examine,
what I am saying. <- True
If I say, "Do you think it's going to rain?"
and she says, "I don't know,"
I start thinking : Does she really like me? <- I think that all the time
In other words
I get a little creepy. <- Hahaha, so me!
A friend of mine once said,
"It's twenty times better to be friends
with someone
than it is to be in love with them." <- This is so right, it hurts...
I think he's right and besides,
it's raining somewhere, programming flowers
and keeping snails happy.
That's all taken care of. <-We wish
if a girl likes me a lot
and starts getting real nervous
and suddenly begins asking me funny questions
and looks sad if I give the wrong answers
and she says things like,
"Do you think it's going to rain?"
and I say, "It beats me,"
and she says, "Oh,"
and looks a little sad
at the clear blue California sky,
I think : Thank God, it's you, baby, this time
instead of me. <- Yet to happen to me. Though someone did talk to me about comics...
- Richard Brautigan
A musical universe
The thought came to me on a rainy day. The bus was making its way down the road towards Borders where I was going on a Thursday afternoon to purchase the latest readings. On the second floor, there was only a couple to the back; I don't have to describe what they are doing here. No sound blared from the speakers above me and the images on the plasma screen went ahead with their silent motions like a movie from the thirties. I watched the droplets of rain snake down the window pane; beating time on it to an imaginary tune in my head, thinking random thoughts brought on by the firing synapses.
As my fingers moved over the window, a melody formed in my head. Long forgotten musical theories came back to me and I thought about perfect fifths, dissonant chords and melodic scales. Then suddenly, I thought about the universe and how one action leads to another, forming a long chain of events all interlinked and dependent on what happens before it. Kinda deterministic if you look at it. Anyway, this sounds remarkably like a melody to my mind; one note following the other, individually not much but when played in sequence and chords, forming operas and symphonies and glorious hymns. What if we live in a musical universe?
What does a Fifth Symphony universe sound like? History would be punctured with events that pierce the eardrums. Or a Canon in D one? Flowy, smooth and peaceful presumably. Imagine one based on jazz; or another based on swing. The possibilities are endless.
What of our universe? Do we live in one that has a discernible melody? Or do we live in the banging of a little boy on a grand piano?
Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.