dagger's take on things
Saturday, June 21, 2003
800 pages of exposition. That's my take on Order of the Phoenix. Not that it's not any good, but frankly, it lacks the omph of the last four books. Not to say that it wasn't interesting. The surest sign of a good story is when you start to feel with the characters. And I cared about Harry. About how he hasn't had a single decent day in this book. About how he is getting all so angsty. About how he is taking it out on everyone around him and affecting his relationships.

I use the love the early books because it introduced us to this brand new world that was so funny and delightful. Come on, who wasn't intrigued by a Quidditch match? Or that clock in the Wesleys that shows the location of all the family members. But there is precious little to laugh about in this book. Voldemort alive and on the loose, Minister Fudge being a stubborn arse and undermining Dumbledore in everyway he can with his decrees. The list goes on. Yet therein lies the book greatest strength It may be a children's book but it doesn't look down on its readers. At the same time, it is growing up with them as well. I can imagine all those kids that started reading the Philosopher's Stone around nine sticking around for book 7, be 19 and learning about facing up to your worst fears, fighting the good and just fight and sacrifice from their childhood heroes.
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