dagger's take on things
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Not enough action. I'm sorry Lee Ang, your movie was good but it lacks enough action. I would have thought that The Hulk would be a simple property to bring to the big screen compared to all the other Marvel properties like Spiderman and X-men. The movie was pretty dozy at parts, the hulk dogs were crappy (come on! Killer french poodles...) and the final fight was fake and contrived. CGI was okay, not perfect, and there were very little hulk sounds. You know, like "HULk SMASH!" or "Puny Banner makes Hulk MAD!" Even more grunts would make the Hulk more, well, Hulkish.

There were some good. Jennifer Connelly lights up the screen whenever she appears. The comic book style scene transitions and wipes were pretty good and unique. Ultimately, it was a commendable effort by the director but I must say the overall movie seemed to fall short of what a good Hulk movie is all about.
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