dagger's take on things
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
When there is a conflict, the parties involved have two routes to a resolution.

1.They can sort things out amicably.
2.They ride roughshod over one another.

In the war on piracy, the RIAA had many dubious decisions and actions. The things done by them are representitive of the reasons why big businesses and consequently, globalisation is being spitted upon the world today. When encountered with a problem like piracy, they choose to bulldoze their way over the weaker parties to make a point. Will they not ever realised that actions like this will only serve to alienate music buyers? At least Napster was justified somewhat. Here, the guy was just guilty of writing a search program. Who's next, Google? Yahoo?

Let's see if Jesse Jordon, his friends and family will ever buy another music cd in his life ever again.
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