dagger's take on things
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
  Tea for Two
So we met up over the weekend over a cup of tea. We went through the books, catching up, joking over people in the street. There were laughter and smiles, things almost seemed normal. It felt good talking to you like this again. But yet, as I see the scars of recent hurts on your face, and remnants of others on your body, my heart skipped a beat. And my resolve wavered.

Should have known it was not to be this easy.
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Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.

Location: Singapore

Smouldering cauldron of contradictions. Loud and obnoxious.

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