dagger's take on things
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
  Whole lot of shaking going on
What's with all the earthquakes recently?

Let's ignore the ones in Sumatra for the time being. Even though they have been quakes and aftershocks there with alraming frequency. Here's a recap of the shaking over the last one week.

Sunday, Southern California, 5.5

Monday, Chile, 7.9 - 9.5 depending on who you ask.

Tuesday, Aleutian islands, Alaska, 6.8 tentatively

Three major earthquakes in as many days. Notice they are all on the eastern side of the Pacific Ring of Fire?

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Note that two of the quakes are on the boundary of the Pacific Plate and North American Plate. Which is also the location of one of the most famous faults in history. San Andreas.

So who really really wants to go to San Francisco? Sounds like we are overdue for another big one there.
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