dagger's take on things
Friday, July 01, 2005
  Geek out
I feel like a total geek.

Just came back from watching War of the Worlds, or some people have it, WOW. Which accurately describes the movie in two ways:

1. "WOW! This is one extremely freakin' good movie man! I haven't been this entranced since last week's blockbuster! The imagery were downright disturbing and frankly, this redeems A.I. totally!" Which was the way I felt all the way, until the controversial ending and hearing the reactions from the rest of the audience which works out to be something like

2. "WOW! I can't believe Spielberg pulled this crap again! That guy just can't end a movie on a right note can he? I though A.I. was bad but this, this takes the cake man! Whatta revolutin' development..."

While I admit the ending was pretty crummy, it should not be a surprise to anyone. After all, the ending to the book is a classic, and pretty much well known as the identity of Darth Vader. I asked my friends and got the shock of my life. They didn't know the ending either.

"I never read the book. Was never into science fiction" Okay, I don't expect you to have read the book. Honestly, I found H.G. Wells a bit of a bore and the writing didn't age well. But come on, its War of the Worlds! I thought everyone knew the ending?

"No, why should I?" Oh darn, if I couldn't depend EN and E to know the ending, what more can I expect from the general public at large?

I held an impromptu survey, smsing a couple of my friends whom I thought would be the kind of person to know trivia as mundane as this. The results were not encouraging. Out of about ten people I asked, only two knew the ending and one because he watched the movie already. Okay, I thought to myself, this is bad...

I am a geek.
not geek, but bookworm.

hm... is there even a difference b/w the two? lol.
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Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.

Location: Singapore

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