dagger's take on things
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
  Seasons of Love
I want this to work.

Don't foul it up like you did Bicentennial Man.

The trailer looks promising, but it could be the music.

The scenes look right but Broadway theatrics may not translate well to screen.

Please let it turn out fine.

"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
No other road, no other way
No day but today" - Jonathan Larson
I have high hopes for it too. Although a small part of me hopes it'll bomb so the masses won't get to it and ruin everything.

It should be okay with much of the original cast around.

Got here from the comment you left on SquareBrain.net - I was there at kino on Tuesday too!
Haha, I'm okay with it bombing but I'm not okay with a travesty on Bicentennial Man levels. Anyway, there's also a part of me that wants it to win an Oscar, Golden Globe and Emmy to complete the sweep of awards it can win.
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Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.

Location: Singapore

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