How do I say this? How do I go about this? Thinking about it for ages does not make it any easier.
I trusted you once. Even though you could never comfort me, even though when you didn't know what to do, I still treated you as a very good friend. We talked long hours, we hung out. There were moments of coldness, but we got over that.
Until you told things I told you in trust to the ONE person you should not have told it to.
Of all the people to tell, you told that one, person.
I could never trust you with anything again after that.
I see you turning into the same person as another friend who is lacking in so many ways that it alienates her from almost anyone that matters. And I don't know if I care enough to help you away from that path. I can tolerate that behavior and still be your friend.
Just not the close friend that I thought we were.