dagger's take on things
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
After approximately thirty hours traveling, we finally touched down at Santiago International Airport. The long trip was made all the more excitable by the uncertainties of making our connecting flight at Buenos Aires due to a three hour delay taking off from KLIA. Apparently, a new ruling came into effect at the start of the month requiring all PRCs who's transisting South Africa to have a visa even if they are not entering the country. The prof and the the TA got stuck helping out one of the Chinese students sort this whole mess out and ended up missing the connecting flight to J-burg. I would have thought that at least one of them would have come with us on the trip but apparently, they decided to trust me with taking over the group. Which came as a nasty surprise because I speak no word of Spanish, and the job entails talking to a lot Chileans who understands nothing but Spanish. Then it gets better. They appointed ?ab as the official translator of the group and told me to use her for translation purposes. I have work with ?ab before, and I am ?ab's TA for a course recently and let's just say ?ab can get pretty bossy when she wants to at times.

So she pretty much takes over the job, which personally I am all too glad to relinquish to her, though it is my responsibility ultimately and I have to take control of the group. Unfortunately, ?ab being ?ab, just went ahead and gave her own set of instructions without consulting me, to the group, bus driver and everyone else, often leaving me to chase after her half the time to catch up with what's happening. Shrugs... Guess I still have a long way to go being a more tolerable person...


I didn't get to talk to her; then again it was more like I didn't dare to ask her out to talk to her. Still feels weird, reluctant, like I still want to remain a prick. Beyond that I really have no idea what I am going to do next. I guess a confession is in the cards sometime in the future but I have absolutely no idea what form is it going to take...
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Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.

Location: Singapore

Smouldering cauldron of contradictions. Loud and obnoxious.

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