dagger's take on things
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
  Of B and me Part II
Long time ago, when my best friend last came back to Singapore, I had a long conversation with him. He had just left earlier in that year for his degree in the States, leaving me and the rest of us in National Slavery. On that bus trip, we talk about drugs, music and inevitably, the fairer sex. Of particular interest was how he found the philosophy section in Borders a great place to pick up girls because it makes him look intellectual just hanging about in the area. Though that particular theory fails to explain why girls find intellectual tweens attractive.

Which brings us back to the story where it last ended. I was reading at the comics section at Borders one Christmas season eons ago. This was back when they had a giantic collection of unwrapped books on the shelves where they display the sci-fi collection now. I can't remember what comic I was reading, except now that I think about it, it most probably is some manga as it is unlikely she would have approached me if I were reading a Marvel or D.C. comic.

What I do know was that suddenly, I heard the sweetest voice just commenting something on the comic that I was reading. Something about one of the characters or the plot or something. Peeked over my book and saw this cute-as-button girl smiling right at me. At this moment I did what any guy in my position would do. I look back to see exactly who she was talking to.

"I'm talking to you silly." There's that angelic voice again, speaking the one sentence I can still recall after all these years. Only this time round, it seemed pretty certain that I was the obvious target of a conversation. Only thing was, this was the first time I've been propositioned by a girl. What would I do? What would I say? Something witty? Nothing comes to mind. How about ask her out? No too direct.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then." Turn, step and away she went. My eyes followed her but it was some time before my mind caught up with events. Shoot! Chance wasted! Fool of a Took indeed! This is like one of those anime episodes where the protagonists have a really bad encounter with the girl/android/humanoid feline/assorted magical, high tech or kung fu kicking female fatale.

And whaddaya know, it must be anime day in my life cos when I return after leaving for a spot of food, who should be there, but said lady, reading the exact same comic! Now what are the chances of that?

This time, I summoned the courage to talk to her. Alas, time has erased that conversation from my mind, and age has sweetened the memory somewhat. For all I can recall right now is that we spent long hours that day discussing the various merits and plotpoints of the manga we both know. I had an easy time talking with her, and it seemed we knew each other for ages, that was how familiar we felt with each other. But reality soon intrude into our little sphere of existence.

Her mom came over to inform her that they were leaving. She sprang off with a short goodbye, leaving me there forlorn, alone. I tried to return to my reading, but my mind was full of her. Strange, how serendipitous our meeting, yet in that short moment, she had totally captured my imagination.

"In case you're wondering, here's my email address." she said while waving a piece of paper in front of me. I just smiled at her retreating form as she disappeared into the Saturday crowd. Certainly a most interesting girl.

And that was how I got B's email address.
haha, think mom was too frazzeled with christmas shopping to worry about daughters talking with strange men.

well, mom are naturally very territorial, which includes their daughters and sons. and besides, you will always be her little girl. what's a quarter of a century gotta do with it? :P
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Personal musings and ramblings of a self confessed weird guy who likes taking pictures when inspiration hits him but would much rather hit the road for some cycling rather than study another business or marketing textbook unless it is something that gets his interest which is a lot of things especially general knowledge stuff, Last Chronicles of Thomas Convenent theories, backpacking trips as well as the occasional booker prize winner and oh yes, PS2 when I can find the time.

Location: Singapore

Smouldering cauldron of contradictions. Loud and obnoxious.

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